

Saturday 22 October 2011

Princess Aurora
Magical Moments in Paris

BAPP Task1a

Charlotte Davies CV


  1. Charlotte as this is education - just make sure to 'cite' any corporate disney photos and make sure you can use them in terms of copyright... Do you have any links to the production from their website? CV easy to get to on google docs - all there - does have a lot of text and personal info - interesting personal statement first - is this format one that has been successful for you - I take it yes? Did you use a similar CV for your Disney role?

  2. I have now uploaded and added a link to my professional Profile and would welcome any comments on the content. Thanks for the comments on my CV. I know it was an unusual layout but the personal statement first worked in that I managed to secure interest from lots of auditions from this. I agree it is a lot of text though. Not sure how to cut it down but show all my experience still. This was the CV I used for Disney and all my auditions.

  3. Charlotte, I'm so glad you uploaded a Disney photo! You look fantastic! You really capture the essence of Princess Aurora, while also looking like your having a real good time!

  4. Great start to your blog.
